Saturday, June 28, 2008

Farm Share, Week #3

We're already on the third week of our farm share (aka CSA - Community Supported Agriculture) from Parker Farm. This week brought us carrots, kale, turnips, beets, raab, and strawberries. Note: The cat (look closely at right corner of above photo) did not come with the farm share drop off.

So, the night we picked up the farm share I decided to adapt a recipe on Epicurious to make kale and whole wheat fettuccine with locally-made chicken sausage. On the side, we used lettuce and sugar snap peas left over from last week's farm share drop-off to make a salad.
And, dessert was rhubarb sorbet, made at home earlier in the week using farmer's market rhubarb, topped with strawberries from the farm share.

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