Saturday, March 24, 2007

Ordering Seeds

After going through the Seed Savers and Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds catalogs, Mr. Foliage and I have made our seed selections for this year. We just submitted the order and I’m really excited.


Arugula: Sylvetta
We eat this a lot so I’m planning to have a few different containers of it and to do multiple plantings throughout the summer.
Cucumber: Early Russian
I’m trying a different cucumber variety this year because the Lemon Cukes, although tasty, have stressed me out in previous years with their powdery mildew. Baker Creek describes these as “hardy” and I’m hoping that might mean mildew-resistant.
Pea: Tom Thumb
I haven’t had much luck with peas the past two years – they just haven’t produced much. This variety looks cute so seems worth it even if I don’t end up with many peas.
Pea: Green Arrow
Seed Savers said “heavy, reliable production” in the description. That was enough to peak my curiosity.
Mini Bell Peppers: Red and Yellow
I’ve never grown bell peppers before and thought I’d start with this.
Radish: French Breakfast
I never seem to get radishes planted early enough. I thought I’d try again though and these looked interesting because they’re different than what I’ve seen in the produce section at the grocery store.
Basil: Genovese
I decided that this year I’m going to focus on growing a lot of one basil variety, rather than having too little of a bunch of different varieties (like I did last summer).
Parsley: Triple Curled
This seems like something that would be convenient to have around all summer.
Tomato: Black Plum (indeterminate)
I read about them on You Grow Girl and got interested.
Tomato: Green Sausage (determinate)
Again, Gayla at You Grow Girl wrote about them and I made a note of it.
Tomato: Yellow Pear (indeterminate)
A couple of years ago we were at the liquor store and the girl working there was giving away yellow pear tomato transplants – she said she planted way too many of them. We took one and it was go great, producing a lot of tasty little yellow tomatoes all summer. I’m excited to try growing them from seed this time.
Tomato: Principe Borghese
After picking out the above three tomato varieties, I decided I still wanted a red grape or cherry-sized tomato. I try not to go too crazy with indeterminates simply due to space constraints, so this one had to be a determinate. Baker Creek’s description said they’re good for sun-drying – sounds interesting enough to me.
Sunflower: Aztec Sun
Looks pretty, not too tall (3-4’) and attracts butterflies.
Nasturtium: Golden Emperor
I wanted at least one climbing flower this summer. I love nasturtiums because they’re pretty and the flowers are edible so I was excited to find this variety that’s supposed to climb on a trellis.
Nasturtium: Tip Top Formula Mixture
Dwarf plant, mixture of colors, similar to the old-standby I’ve successfully grown for the past two years.


Fish Peppers (hot peppers)
Tomatoes: Cherokee Purple (indeterminate)
Tomatoes: White Currant (indeterminate – large vining plant)
Tomatoes: Wapsipinicon Peach (indeterminate – fuzzy skin!)
Spinach: Bloomsdale
Carrot: Scarlet Nantes
Baby Bok Choy
Eggplant: Applegreen
Collard Greens: Georgia Southern

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to see Mr. Foliage got to have some choices too. jsb